Interim management & copiloting

Impulses for your future.

Create impulses.
Click on the water.
Impulses for sustainability

About ChainReactions

ChainReactions is a service of Prility Products AG, which was founded in 2007 as a trading company.

Acting as a classic importer, a value chain for the development, procurement/ manufacturing and marketing of consumer goods from China was established and successfully operated in 18 European countries. Some of our main customers included ALDI SÜD, LIDL and MIGROS.

However, the disruptive impact of the platform economy forced Prility to enter into a phase of transformation. During this process, there came a point where it became necessary to replace the transaction business (trade of goods) with a new business model.

ChainReactions was founded as a platform to provide entrepreneurs with a reliable partner. Our aim is to support you in your entrepreneurial tasks in this new market.

When circumstances develop at such a fast pace, not only is interdisciplinary collaboration required, but also the exchange of valuable entrepreneurial experience among peers.

We at ChainReactions offer our consulting services, to provide ideas and concepts for your journey. For their implementation, we support you with intensive collaboration – our copiloting.

Learn more


years of professional experience


years of experience as a manager with international retail groups


years of experience as founder and owner of SMEs



Bitcoin Meetups

Consulting & Copiloting

Our Services

Entrepreneurs in management don't always have the required headspace in their day-to-day business to think about what is to come – they need a reliable partner, an initiator, someone who offers structure and methods – more than just an advisor: a copilot.

Our clients are the experts for their own solutions.

Soundboarding & Consulting

An independent and reliable partner with solid entrepreneurial experience can give you the necessary impulses to help you advance on your path. Confidentiality guaranteed.

Copiloting: Implementation

Once you've conceptually thought through and developed a specific subject matter, you might need an entrepreneurially experienced and reliable partner for the practical implementation of your project in your company. Strategy, management principles, F&C functions, strategic marketing, moderation of committees and succession planning can all be important topics throughout this process.

Fit for Crypto: Technology Consulting

While the blockchain technology on which Bitcoin is based receives a great deal of media attention, Bitcoin – an unprecedented innovation – is barely factually discussed outside the Bitcoin community. Yet it is precisely the Bitcoin blockchain technology that offers a variety of interesting opportunities to build decentralised business models – an alternative to the centralised platform economy. Don't miss the crypto train – to be ignored only at your own risk! Get fit for the crypto world.

Expertise in business management & technology

Our Fields of Expertise

A solid education (Federal Diploma in Business Administration FH - Dipl. Controller), 15 years of international management experience up to CFO of large companies and 15 years of experience as an international entrepreneur have all prepared Stefan Kübler to now be able to provide these services to his clients.

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Strategy is an economy of forces. How do we achieve our corporate goals? Answering this question will facilitate the definition of your strategy.

With our WEG-strategy-model, we provide you with a proven tool, with which you can review, revise or reformulate your strategy.

Finance & Controlling

F&C – the financial conscience of a company – processes data into information and clarifies responsibilities. From this processed information alternative courses of action can be derived and fed into the management process in order to achieve the company's goals.

We at ChainReactions support you in ensuring that F&C can fulfil this role effectively and efficiently.

Deciding which products should be marketed when, how and for which target group requires a good overview of the available resources and the current market.

We aim to support you in clarifying this overview.

Bitcoin Technology & Crypto

Bitcoin technology means the ability to create something on the internet that cannot be copied. Bitcoin is thus an essential further development of the TCP/IP-based internet, which works with copies. This new internet of money will be heavily used by companies in the future. You too?

We support you in creating clarity regarding Bitcoin technology and its application in your company.

Bitcoin Technology

Futurize Your Enterprise

In the last 20 years the internet has sustainably changed consumer behaviour. Powerful retail companies of the past have fallen victim to technology companies and their platform businesses.

But in the haystack of new technologies, there is one innovation whose potential for decentralised business models is only understood by a few.

Bitcoin blockchain technology was made accessible to all internet users in 2009 as digital cash. Nothing from the fiat money world is needed to create and use it: no central bank, no commercial bank, no credit card companies. The internet of money was born!

We aim to support you in gaining a solid understanding of this economic revolution.

Lead your business into the future well-connected and with a solid understanding of Bitcoin technology.

Below you can find more specific information on our services in this area.

Bitcoin Clarity Workshops

At our customized workshops, you'll receive clear answers to your questions and learn what you've always wanted to know about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Technology: Evaluations

After an in-depth assessment and the development of clear focal points, you might want to evaluate Bitcoin technology for your application with a well-connected peer in a sustainable way. ChainReactions is here to support you during this process.

Bitcoin Technology: Copiloting

After evaluating and developing your project, we support you in its implementation.

A ship in harbor is safe – but that is not what ships are built for.

If on your journey something needs to happen in order for nothing to happen, we might be the right person for you.

Contact us now
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